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Energetic Straightening® of the spine by Patricia Saint Clair - Private session

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  • The Energetic straightening® by Patricia Saint Clair is the foundation of human healing.

    The sessions bring about incredible changes in all our layers, releasing blockages stored in our spine so that your lightflow and soul flow can flow freely through your body again.

    Every cell is reconnected to the divine source. Divine harmony and divine order returns.

    The life energy begins to flow freely again.

    Through the inner healing process, physical healing is activated. And with it our very own, strongest self-healing powers.

    You open the door to health in divine order.

    The ray of light from the energy of straightening works at the highest frequency level, penetrates the spine, our carrier of consciousness and unconsciousness, and releases blockages in the energy system.


    Divine order is restored. Old mental conflicts and emotional wounds that have not yet been dealt with and can express themselves through pain in the entire musculoskeletal system are released at the deepest cellular level.


    The spine is straightened, the old soul and energy bands are severed and connected to the new frequency patterns.

    The clearing of unconscious emotions is the prerequisite for finding forgiveness, self-love, trust and balance.

    With cleared, pure emotions and feelings, true healing can take place.


    The energetic straightening of the spine works without touching the body and is carried out as a remote treatment.

    Within the first few weeks after the straightening, you can clearly feel the release of old issues and patterns, which are immediately replaced by the arrangement of newly programmed cells.

  • From the time of booking, an energetic build-up of the booked remote transmission takes place. Therefore, a right of cancellation is excluded or expires as the booked service has been partially or fully used.

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