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This Grace Integrity® complete package includes all three code transmissions (Soul Embodiment, Mental Heart Fusion & Manifestation) in one session.


The Soul Embodiment makes you complete. You feel whole, one with yourself and are no longer searching. Your soul and body unite and everything that does not belong to you leaves you.


It is a reset to your divine original state, your scattered soul parts are reunited. Cell rejuvenation, strength, radiant energies, abundance on all levels and health are just some of the aspects that will characterise your day.


Give yourself this gift at the wonderful special price of only €369.-

Grace Integrity® Soul embodiment, Mental Heart Fusion, Manifestation

CHF1,665.00 Regular Price
CHF200.00Sale Price
  • Grace Integrity®


    Embody your soul aspects and become complete! This complete package includes all three code transmissions in one session.


    1. grace integrity® soul embodiment

    With Grace Integrity® Soul Embodiment you bring back all your soul aspects and dissolve all soul aspects that do not belong to you. After the session, you will feel complete and whole again.


    2. Grace Integrity® Mental Heart Fusion

    Grace Integrity® Mental Heart Fusion activates your heart and merges it with your mind. Your heart takes over the leadership of your life and your head steps back more and more when it comes to making decisions. You recognise more and more what your true self is and can distinguish ego motivation from heart/soul motivation.


    3. Grace Integrity® Manifestation

    Through Grace Integrity® Manifestation you expand the power of your heart. You manifest from your heart, becoming more and more magnetic and attracting what you are dreaming for.

  • From the time of booking, an energetic build-up of the booked remote transmission takes place. Therefore, a right of cancellation is excluded or expires as the booked service has been partially or fully utilised.

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